Green Home Pest Control Mosquito Control Procedure
Mosquito Inspections
Our technicians will visually inspect your property looking for any potential harborage areas for mosquitoes in all their stages of life. We will go over our findings with you and give recommendations on how best to prevent mosquito problems in the future.
Mosquito Control Treatments
During treatment, we will eliminate any accessible standing water sources like birdbaths, buckets, etc. We’ll also use the traditional spray method on areas such as harborage areas with a focus on leaves, foliage, and shaded areas to ensure that we treat all areas with active mosquito activity. We will also treat all areas of standing water that cannot be treated with larvicide.
In2Care Mosquito Traps
Green Home Pest Control now also offers the In2Care Mosquito Trap System which attracts and kills both adult and larval Aedes mosquitoes with green ingredients. These innovative traps attract female mosquitoes, which land on a biological agent containing a growth regulator that kills the larvae in the trap. It also has a fungus that kills adults. The females carry these agents out to other areas of standing water, killing any larvae there.
How To Reduce Mosquito Populations
The combination of our professional mosquito control service and your efforts to keep mosquitoes away from your yard is the best approach to reduce mosquito populations. These mosquito control and prevention tips will help:
Get Rid Of Breeding Sites
Mosquitoes need very little standing water to breed, so you’ll need to inspect your property closely. In addition to the more obvious spots like birdbaths or ponds that hold stagnant water, look for anything that can capture water like:
- Outdoor toys
- Buckets or cans
- Discarded tires
- Trash or recycling cans with no or ill-fitting lids
- Wading pools
- Clogged gutters
- Trays under flower pots or planters
- Gardening equipment, such as wheelbarrows
Keep Water in Pool Clean
If you have a swimming pool, make sure to keep the water properly chlorinated and circulating.
Keep Landscaping Neat
The fewer places where mosquitoes can hide, the better. Keep your property free of piles of dead foliage and clip tall weeds and grasses. If your landscape includes any thick underbrush, avoid it during the sunrise and sunset hours when mosquitoes can be most active.
Check Entry Points
There’s nothing more annoying than swatting at mosquitoes that have gotten into your house! To keep them from getting inside, closely inspect screens on doors and windows, and repair even the smallest holes. Also, add weatherstripping to seal entry points. Prevent mosquitoes from breeding indoors by ensuring that any water in vases or under plant pots gets emptied regularly.