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Tucson, AZ Pigeon Control

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The Problems That Come With Pigeons Around Your Tucson Property

Pigeons, otherwise known as flying rats, are one of the peskiest and most persistent pest birds that can loiter around your Tucson property. Once pigeons have learned that a source of food is nearby or that a property provides good conditions for nesting, they are very quick to take advantage of these situations. The issue, however, is that they come with a slew of health risks and certain nuisances.

For business owners, pigeons have the ability to make customers very uncomfortable when they hang around in large numbers. Their incessant chirping is also regarded as unpleasant, which can ultimately deter potential patrons from your place of business. Pigeon droppings are another issue for both home and business owners for two key reasons: they can corrode your building itself, leaving it damaged, and these same droppings are linked with histoplasmosis, cryptococcus, and psittacosis, all of which can be very harmful to a person’s health. 

In order to protect your property and everyone in it, the best way to address pigeons is with professional help from Green Home Pest Control. We use ethical and safe methods of deterrence in order to get rid of any active pigeons and keep them from returning. For more information on pigeon control, contact us today.

close up of pigeon on cement

Tired Of Unwanted Pigeons In Tucson?

If you’ve been bothered by the pigeons around Tucson enough, don’t fear; there’s an answer. At Green Home Pest Control, we are the trusted local experts when it comes to pigeon prevention and removal. Our focus as a company is to always provide our customers with the highest quality, safest, and most eco-conscious solutions to their pest problems. In the case of pigeons, we will begin with a meticulous property inspection in order to determine what is attracting pigeons, how they’re interacting with your property, and where they might be nesting. From there, we customize a treatment plan to the exact specifications of your property.

Some of the methods that we might turn to include: bird netting, trapping, perch wires, exclusion wire mesh, and stainless steel pikes. These products are installed by our experienced technicians and are designed to be as humane as possible. They’re also of benefit because they’re safe for people, pets, and properties, so they yield maximum protection with minimal interference. With our close monitoring, we’ll be able to guarantee that pigeons are no longer an issue, and the programs that we offer can all fit within your budgetary requirements. For more information on pigeon control, contact us today.

Bird Control Strategies That Don't Work For Tucson Homes

When it comes to keeping pigeons from Tucson homes, DIY methods simply don’t make the cut. Not only can these products and approaches be costly and lack the professional knowledge that’s required to do an effective job, but sometimes they simply don’t work. In the case of audio repellents, over time, pigeons grow accustomed to the sound and learn to ignore it. Bird decoys are also rarely tricky for birds and once they realize there’s nothing to fear, those tools are rendered useless. Perhaps the biggest reason why DIY methods fail is that there’s no true understanding of where or how to place them and they’re simply not up to par with professional-grade products.

For a safe and effective answer to harmful pigeons, Green Home Pest Control has the solution. Our thoroughly trained technicians are experts in removing and preventing pigeon problems all with a few very straightforward installations. We use products like stainless steel spikes and exclusion wire mesh in order to drastically reduce pigeon populations around the home; we guarantee it. Our approach is eco-conscious and designed to be as humane as possible so as to not cause harm to birds, just simply deter them. For more information on pigeon control, contact us today.

What Is Effective Bird Control In Tucson?

Birds are part of Mother Nature, but sometimes, the birds that flock around Tucson can be more of an annoyance than anything else. When it comes to understanding what will be effective and what will not, the differences are pretty glaring. While effective bird control addresses the entire scope of an infestation, treats the root cause, and is humane during the process, ineffective bird control isn’t applied properly, lacks that professional-grade quality, and is likely not ethical for the birds in question. Effective bird control should also always come with a customized approach and be routinely checked on in order to measure the success of a program, rather than something that’s installed and left in hopes of seeing results.

At Green Home Pest Control, we provide effective bird control that our customers appreciate. As the local pest experts, we understand the environment that we service and how pest birds interact with it. We’re able to assess a building and immediately know what the best approach to take is, and along the way, we always make the health of our customers the main priority. For more information on keeping birds from becoming an issue, contact us today.

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