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Chandler, AZ Rodent Control

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Why And How Rodents Invade Chandler Residences In Winter

There's nothing worse than unpacking boxes of old photographs, or precious family heirlooms in your attic or basement, only to find that rodents have destroyed them. Whether they've chewed through important papers or defecated on your material items, knowing that rodents have invaded your home is a violation of your space, and the feeling only gets worse when they destroy your things. Unfortunately for Chandler residents, when winter rolls around, homeowners are more likely to find these pests invading their homes as they search for shelter and a safe place to reproduce. They usually gain entrance to your home through cracks and holes in your home's siding or through the eaves of your roof. 

a little mouse

Why Rodents Are A Serious Concern In Chandler

Arizona rodents are serious pests to have in your home. Not only can they ruin your material items and cause other physical damage to your home and property, but they can also spread harmful diseases to you and your family.

Below are some of the common diseases spread by these Arizona rodents:

  • Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCMV) : All rodents can spread this disease. This one causes severe neurological problems and humans and can contract this by simply being exposed to mouse droppings, urine, saliva, or nesting materials.

  • Salmonella : Another common disease spread by all rodents is salmonella. As these pests scurry across your counters or anywhere you store or prepare food, anyone who eats in your home can contract this disease; this is a serious food poisoning illness, and symptoms include fever, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

  • Hantavirus : This illness is spread as rodent urine, and feces turn to dust, eventually spreading particles in the air. By breathing in these pathogens, you can contract this virus. Symptoms include fever, chills, and aches and pains. If left untreated, hantavirus can cause severe shortness of breath and progress to kidney failure.

  • Plague: Yes, that plague. Any rodents carrying plague-infested fleas can easily spread this deadly disease to anyone in your home and anyone you have had contact with. Symptoms include fever, headaches, chills, weakness, and one or more swollen lymph nodes.

Because of the dangerous diseases spread by these common rodents, it is crucial to immediately seek the help of a professional to safely and permanently exterminate these pests.

Tips To Get Rid of Chandler Mice And Keep Them Out

For common rodents, the best cure is prevention. Below are some of the things you can do now to help prevent these pests from setting up shop in your home in the first place:

  • Go around your home and locate any cracks, crevices, and holes. Immediately seal them up, as these are the most popular ways rodents get inside.

  • Take the time to clean out your garage, attic, and basement. Organize your material items, and place boxes and other items in a way that does not provide rodents with a safe place to nest.

  • Often, rodents look for continued access to water. Making sure your pipes and fixtures don't leak and moisture and humidity don't build up in the air will make the place less appealing.

Every home is unique, and the expert technicians at Green Home Pest Control can help you implement prevention strategies customized to your specific home and situation.

Chandler Homeowners' Guide To Rat Control

No matter what type of rodent infestation you are dealing with, here at Green Home Pest Control, we understand how frustrating and overwhelming it can be to have these pests in your home. Here, your family's happiness and health are our top priority. Our services include a thorough inspection of your home. The information we gather from this inspection allows your technician to implement and execute a treatment plan that will be most effective for you. We always use eco-friendly products, and our technicians have access to the most advanced tools available on the professional market. In addition to our follow-up visits to ensure customer satisfaction, our technicians will work with you to implement effective prevention methods as well. If rodents are shattering your sense of security in your home, give us a call today and get started on our effective rodent control services.

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