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Pigeon Control In Buckeye, AZ

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Pigeons are an unavoidable part of nature in Buckeye, but when they begin to loiter around properties, that's where the trouble begins. These unpredictable pests can damage property, cause serious health risks, and make both employees and customers very uncomfortable. At Green Home Pest Control, we use ethical and effective methods of pigeon removal and prevention so that our community doesn't have to endure the pressures pigeons inflict. If you're interested in engaging our services, please visit our pigeon control services page, and in the meantime, we hope that you find the following information about local pigeon problems and options for pest control in Buckeye helpful.

a pigeon on cement

Problems Pigeons Bring With Them To Buckeye

Pigeons can easily become a Buckeye property owner's worst nightmare because of the issues that they bring along with them.

Some of those problems include:

  • General disturbance: People with pigeon populations often report noise pollution from the near constant cooing and chirping. Pigeons are also known to make many people uncomfortable simply by being present and gathering in large numbers. 

  • Health risks: Pigeons are associated with health risks like cryptococcosis, candidiasis, and histoplasmosis. Many of the health issues that they spread involve fungus and respiratory issues.  

  • Other pests: Pigeons are notorious for carrying parasites with them, like mites and fleas, which can bring a host of their own health risks. 

  • Property damage: Lastly, pigeons usually leave behind large amounts of droppings, which can cause discoloration to properties and ruin electrical wiring. 

At Green Home Pest Control, we opt for ethical and effective methods of pigeon removal in Buckeye so that our community doesn't have to endure the issues they cause. Our approach follows the standards of Integrated Pest Management so that we can deliver the most reliable service. For more information on pigeon control, call us today.

How To Get Rid Of Pigeons On Your Buckeye Property

Because pigeons in Buckeye are part of nature, keeping them off your Buckeye property can be a tall task. Instead of allowing these issues to perpetuate, look no further than Green Home Pest Control. We provide unparalleled pigeon control that simultaneously gets rid of your active pigeon population and keeps them from returning. Our process always begins with a detailed inspection from one of our highly qualified pest specialists. This lets us understand how pigeons are engaging with your property, where they're roosting, and what's attracting them. We then customize a treatment plan for you that follows the guidelines of Integrated Pest Management. What makes our pigeon removal services unique is that we opt for the safest, most strategic methods that are also humane for pigeons and safe for people and the environment. Some of the tools we use include stainless steel spikes, perch wires, trapping, bird netting, and exclusion wire mesh. Once we've implemented these measures, we will monitor them closely and adapt when necessary. For more information on keeping pigeons off your property, please call us today.

How Dangerous Are Pigeons On Your Buckeye Property?

While the pigeons in Buckeye aren't menacing birds, they can actually be very dangerous, and you should avoid attracting them at all costs. The primary danger that surrounds pigeons is the health risks they are known to spread. Pigeon droppings are a key source of these issues because of the pathogens they carry, which are linked with diseases such as histoplasmosis, psittacosis, salmonellosis, and E. coli. These droppings are a particular issue for people with asthma or compromised immune systems. Pigeons are actually associated with approximately 60 health risks in total, and their feces are at the core of most of them. When their droppings dry out, they turn to powder, and those particles spread through the air. Luckily, not every pigeon is a carrier of these harmful pathogens. Additionally, pigeons are a danger because of the parasites that they spread. They usually play host to fleas, ticks, mites, and lice, which can have very serious health implications for people as well as their pets. To protect your Buckeye home from pigeons, call Green Home Pest Control today.

Why Pigeons In Buckeye Are Worse Than You May Think

If you're dealing with pigeons around your Buckeye property, they are most definitely worse than you might think because of the property damage they're known to cause. To start, pigeons construct their nests in places like gutters, along electrical wiring, in attics and storage spaces, as well as in neighboring trees. While some of these scenarios might not seem that significant, they can actually be very problematic. Pigeons are known to use dry materials like leaves, sticks, and straw, and when these nests are tucked into areas that receive a lot of friction or are nearby wires, they can start fires. In some cases, where pigeons choose to nest can also ruin your building's insulation. This can leave you susceptible to future pest problems and also cause an increase in your energy bills. Lastly, pigeon droppings can be the source of a lot of damage. They can corrode the exterior of your building, cause discoloration to your building or customers' cars, and even cause electrical outages. To keep these property damage issues from developing, call Green Home Pest Control for help with pigeons, and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Buckeye.

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