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A Handy Ant Control Guide For Scottsdale Homeowners

Scottsdale homes fall victim to ant infestations on a regular basis because of how easy it is to attract these issues. When that happens, the most secure and trusted form of ant control is with professional help from Green Home Pest Control. With more than three decades of experience working with local homeowners, our highly trained technicians understand what it takes to treat a property thoroughly and with great care.

How does pest inspection work?

We begin this process with a home inspection that allows us to understand where ants are coming from and why they’ve become an issue. Once we’ve been able to identify the species of ant that is causing problems, the extent of the infestation, and its location, we customize a treatment plan for each customer we work with. This step includes the highest quality plant-based products that are designed to provide maximum protection while also being safe for people, pets, and the environment. Our ant control customers are typically on a recurring maintenance plan for bi-monthly services, which we encourage so that ants can cease to be an issue. To learn more about the benefits of our ant removal and prevention services, contact Green Home Pest Control today.