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What Types Of Cockroaches Invade Scottsdale Properties

One of the most common pest problems that Scottsdale property owners can expect to encounter is a cockroach outbreak. Some of the most common species that are likely to appear in the area include:

  • Oriental cockroach: Dark brown to black in coloring, the Oriental cockroach is perhaps one of the largest in the area and uses the sewer system for traveling.
  • American cockroach: This large, auburn-colored species has wings but rarely uses them. They are frequently in search of moisture, which is why they’re known as the water bug.
  • Brown-banded cockroach: Appropriately named for the brown band that they’re marked with, the brown-banded cockroach usually lives in kitchen cabinets and anywhere moisture is present.
  • German cockroach: The most frequently occurring species across the globe, the German cockroach thrives on crumbs and is developing an immunity to over-the-counter pesticides.
Protect your home or business

At Green Home Pest Control, we work to address any kind of cockroach that could present themselves in Scottsdale properties. Our services are all customized to the unique needs of each customer we service, whether that’s a homeowner, restaurant, or office building. We inspect each property to the fullest extent and use organic products that are safe for people and pets. Each of our signature cockroach services comes with a pest-free guarantee as well. To learn more about cockroach control, contact us today.