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What do silverfish look like?

Being covered in silvery scales and moving quickly from place to place in a wriggling, fish-like manner, it is easy to see how silverfish received their name. However, silverfish are not aquatic creatures, but rather a type of insect with high moisture needs. Silverfish are a year-round problem for Arizona property owners and will move into structures anytime the outdoor environment is not providing them with their basic needs of food, water, and shelter.

Physical features of a silverfish include:

  • Tapered, carrot-shaped, body and large rounded head that is larger than the tail
  • Long antennae
  • Lack of wings
  • Brownish or gray body covered in silvery scales
  • Three long bristle-like appendages extending from the back end of the body
silverfish on an old book

Are silverfish dangerous?

Having silverfish in your home is a warning sign that your house has water damage or that other pests are present. If silverfish find a way into your home, other insects probably will too. Also, silverfish live in moist areas; if they are in your home, there may be water damage from leaking pipes or improper ventilation. In addition to silverfish, moisture attracts other moisture-loving pests to your home.

Silverfish cause no direct problem for people; they don’t bite or sting, nor are they known for spreading diseases.

Why do I have a silverfish problem?

Silverfish move into homes in search of food and moisture. Anytime it becomes too hot and dry outside, they migrate, seeking better living conditions. Since silverfish live outside, often in the landscape surrounding our homes, it is easy for them to move indoors through cracks in the foundation and spaces under doors.

Once inside, they move to damp areas, usually storage areas, where they become a problem as they feed on things like paper, clothing, book bindings, stored foods, and other starchy items.

Where will I find silverfish?

Silverfish move to cool, damp areas within homes and other structures they have invaded, such as:

  • Basements
  • Kitchens
  • Utility rooms
  • Laundry rooms
  • Closets
  • Crawlspaces
  • Pantries

How do I get rid of silverfish?

Don’t let silverfish live inside your home uninvited for one more day. Partner with the pest control experts here at Green Home Pest Control. Our eco-minded pest control solutions are what you need to get rid of silverfish and other pests from your Arizona home and to keep them from returning.

We take pride in offering exceptional customer service, and our experienced and friendly professionals will work with you to solve your property’s pest problems. To learn more about why you should trust Green Home Pest Control with your pest control needs, give us a call today. We'll be happy to provide you with more information about our residential or commercial pest control services.

How can I prevent silverfish in the future?

Use the following prevention tips to avoid problems with silverfish:

  • Reduce the level of moisture in your home. Use dehumidifiers to keep basements dry and vent fans in bathrooms.
  • Repair leaking pipes.
  • Inspect your home’s foundation, door and window frames, and utility entry points. Seal any spaces leading into your house that you discover.
  • Get rid of any leaf litter or damp mulch touching the foundation of your home.
  • Remove unnecessary landscaping silverfish can hide under like rocks, logs, and landscaping ties.
  • Store trash cans and recycling bins up off of the ground and away from your home’s exterior.

Learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control offerings.

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