Despite the fact that their role as pollinators is undeniably important for the environment, can be dangerous and scary. We all remember that first time we got stung and it’s never any fun. For those who are allergic, a bee sting is a serious health concern. That’s why it’s important to learn how you can prevent beehives from forming in your yard and how to properly address them if bees do invade.

Is It A Bee Or Some Other Wasp?

The first thing to do with a pest problem is to properly identify it. With bees, this can take some doing. All bees are part of an umbrella term, “wasp,” that’s used to describe . That means telling a bee apart from a hornet or a yellow jacket is important. For one, bees tend to be less aggressive because using their stingers results in their death. For another, the things that work on one type of pest problem may not work on another. To truly make sure an infestation is identified correctly and safely, you should contact experts. However, here are some factors to look for:

  • Color : Wasps are known for their yellow and black striped appearance, while honey bees are more golden, and bumblebees are also typically black and yellow.
  • Shape : Hornets and yellow jackets tend to have slimmer and more compact shapes than the more rounded bumblebees.
  • Fuzz : Only honey bees and bumblebees are uniformly furry around their whole bodies. Hornets, if they have any hair at all, tend to have more bald patches.

What Bees Mean For Your Property

Many people don’t give bees a second thought. They are typically non-aggressive and they can help pollinate our flowers and crops. However, a full-on nest in your yard can become a dangerous nuisance and, for anyone who’s allergic and happens to wander by your hedges, bee stings are no small thing. That’s why it’s important for to do their part to keep bee populations under control. That means not waiting for a pest problem to become, well, a problem before you do something about it. Early prevention is the best way to keep hives from forming, and expert guidance can help make sure that you’re addressing the many factors that might attract bees to your yard.

Honeybee Prevention Tips

While there’s no replacement for ongoing, professional pest control when it comes to keeping safe from stinging pests, it’s also important for everyone to be equipped with the knowledge of how to prevent infestations around their property. Simply put, here are some ways you can reduce your risk of bees:

  • Landscaping : Bees look for overhanging branches and overgrown bushes to build their nests. Keeping your yard trimmed is a good way to make it less attractive to insects of all kinds.
  • Water Features : All kinds of pests are attracted to moisture, including bees. Eliminate unnecessary water features and ensure proper yard drainage to avoid puddles.
  • Food & Trash : Bees are attracted by sugary aromas and easy food sources, so it’s important to not leave food out. You also need to make sure trash is properly thrown away in a secure, lidded trash bin.

True Protection From Green Home Pest Control

With stinging pests like bees and other wasps, the best form of protection is general yard maintenance, ongoing inspections, and treatments by pest control experts. At Green Home Pest Control, we offer and fast, safe removal of infestations. Whether you’ve already got a bee problem or you just want to get started on treatments that protect your property from all kinds of pests, call Green Home Pest Control today. We can quickly schedule an inspection of your property and that matches your schedule and budget. Don’t wait for stinging pests to become a real threat before you act, contact Green Home Pest Control.

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