Warning Signs Of A Tick-Borne Disease
If you’ve contracted a tick-borne disease or illness from the pest you’ve pulled off your skin, you may experience certain symptoms, such as:
Fever or chills
Muscle aches
Spreading rash at the site of the bite
If you begin to experience any of these physical symptoms in the days after your tick bite, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
How To Control Tick Populations On Your Phoenix Property
While it’s unlikely to have a tick infestation in your home, these pests can take over your property. Out-of-control tick populations in your yard can be a major problem if you spend any time outdoors – or even have animals that do. The more ticks you’ve got, the greater the risk that you, your family, or one of your pets may contract a tick-borne illness.
The best way to deal with tick infestations is by letting the professionals help – like those of us at Green Home Pest Control. With over thirty years of experience dealing with troublesome pests like ticks, we can help you control tick populations around your Phoenix yard and property. If you’re constantly receiving tick bites or pulling them off your pets, you shouldn’t wait – contact us at Green Home Pest Control for more information about our tick control services.
Tick bites are never fun, and if you live in Phoenix, there’s a couple of different kinds of ticks you’ve got to worry about, including:
Brown dog tick: As their name suggests, brown dog ticks have reddish-brown coloring and a preference for canines. While they prefer to go after animals or pets, they will bite humans if given an opportunity. These ticks are the most common species in Arizona and can spread diseases like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
Blacklegged ticks: Known for their dark, black legs, blacklegged ticks (also called deer ticks) are dangerous because they can spread Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and other harmful diseases to humans.
Rocky Mountain wood ticks: Rocky Mountain wood ticks are a little less common than brown dog or blacklegged ticks, but you can still find them in Arizona – especially if you’re hiking near mountain regions. They can spread Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, tularemia, and even tick paralysis.
Not every tick bite will lead to a disease like RMSF or Lyme disease, but the risk is still there for Phoenix residents. Here’s what you should know about tick bites, the warning signs of tick-borne disease, and what to do if you’re constantly dealing with ticks around your Phoenix property.
How To Deal With A Tick Bite
While most pests immediately detach after they’ve bitten you, ticks are unusual – these pests are parasites, and they’ll feast on your blood for up to several days before they detach and move on.
It could be days before you find a tick on your skin, but once you do, you’ll want to follow these steps for removing the pest safely:
Remove the tick: Whether it’s actually bitten you or it’s just crawling across your skin, ticks are small, and you’ll want to use fine-point tweezers to remove them. Grab the tick as close to the surface of your skin as possible, and then use even, steady pressure to pull it off. Keep in mind that you never want to jerk, twist, or squeeze the tick too harshly when you remove it. Doing so can sever the tick’s body and leave its mouth embedded in your skin.
Clean the bite: Use rubbing alcohol or soap to gently clean the bite after you’ve pulled off the tick. This can help avoid possible skin infections.
Identify the tick: Before you dispose of the tick, it’s always a good idea to see if you can identify it since certain types of ticks are associated with specific diseases.
Dispose of the tick: Once you’ve been able to identify the tick, you can safely dispose of it by wrapping it in tape and throwing it in the trash can or flushing it down the toilet.
Watch the sight of the bite closely: After the bite, you’ll want to watch the site of the bite in the following days for some of the warning signs we’ll discuss below.