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Chandler, AZ Scorpion Control

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Why Scorpions Invade Chandler Properties

There are many different types of scorpions here in Arizona, but it’s not fun to find any of them on our Chandler properties. The first step to preventing scorpions from invading is to understand what is driving them to your home in the first place.

Below are some of the reasons why you might have a scorpion infestation:

  • Scorpions invade homes because they are looking for easy shelter. Your home or business (garages especially) usually provide the exact environment that all types of scorpions are looking for to hide safely.

  • If there are other insects already in your home, you are more likely to find scorpions invading as well because the insects are an easy meal for them, and they don’t have to travel far from their hiding spots to hunt.

  • Easy access to water is another reason scorpions like your home or business. If there is a buildup of moisture in the air, or you have leaky pipes and fixtures, you’ll find more than just scorpions setting up shop.

If you are concerned about your property’s susceptibility to scorpion invasions, contact the Green Home Pest Control experts today!

a scorpion on the ground

How Bad Is It To Have Scorpions In My Chandler Yard?

Arizona scorpions get a bad rap for a reason. While there is only one type of scorpion here considered lethal (the Arizona Bark Scorpion), all scorpion stings are incredibly painful and can cause great harm to you, your family, and your pets. Therefore, finding any of the native Arizona scorpions in your yard is bad, and you should contact an expert to safely remove them. If you find scorpions in your yard, don’t try to remove them yourself. Call up the experts at Green Home Pest Control, and an experienced technician will be out to help you safely remove these pests from your property in no time.

Easy & Effective Scorpion Control Tips For Chandler Homes

The good news is that there are plenty of things homeowners and business owners can do to help prevent scorpions from invading at all.

Below are some of the most effective, natural prevention tips anyone can implement today:

  • If you are already dealing with other types of insects on your property, work to exterminate those first. By doing this, you take away the food source for not only dangerous scorpions but also dangerous spiders as well.

  • Go around your property and locate any cracks and crevices. Because most scorpions enter your home through these holes, seal them up as soon as you find them.

  • Because they are attracted to water leaks and moisture buildup, be sure to locate and mend any leaks in your pipes and fixtures.

  • Take away all the places a scorpion can hide by organizing your clutter and making sure to seal boxes so they can’t climb inside them.

Because every home is unique, an expert technician at Green Home Pest Control can help you implement situation-specific prevention strategies to ensure that no scorpion finds its way into your home. 

The Secret To Total Scorpion Control In Chandler

Because we live in the southwest, it is only a matter of time before scorpions show up on your Chandler property. When that happens, the experts at Green Home Pest Control are on standby, ready to help you remove them in a safe, effective manner. Because of their dangerous stings and because scorpions are resistant to most over-the-counter pest control products, our technicians receive continuous training to help them remove scorpions without anyone getting bitten. Our technicians have access to the most advanced treatments available on the professional market. If you are worried about your home or business, give us a call today and get started on our effective scorpion control services.

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