Arizona Scorpions
What Do Scorpions Look Like?

Most people identify scorpions by their tail that curves up over their back with a stinger at the end they use to paralyze prey. They have large front claws they use first to capture prey. Scorpions are predators and a type of arachnid, which means they are related to spiders, mites, and ticks. Scorpions are known for having poor vision but are exceptional hunters. When hunting, they rely on touch and vibrations to locate prey. They come in a wide range of colors, including yellow, brown, reddish-brown, and black.
Identifying which scorpion is living in your Arizona yard or home is best left up to a professional. As the first sight of these arachnids on your property, call Green Home Pest Control.
Types Of Scorpions In Arizona
There are many types of scorpions that reside in Arizona, with the bark scorpion being the most common. Scorpions are closely related to mites, ticks, and spiders. Although scorpions are most often associated with desert climates, there are variations of the scorpion that are also found in moist climates like North Carolina, British Columbia, Brazilian forests, and even in the Himalayas. The scorpion has been around for hundreds of millions of years and is a true survivor of the lands.
Scorpions that regularly take over Arizona properties include the following:
Bark Scorpion:
The Arizona bark scorpion is slim and long, with small pincers and tail that really separates it from some of the other more solid built species of scorpion found in the state of Arizona. Out of these three common scorpions, the bark scorpion is the only one of them that prefers to climb vertical surface areas and can be found on rocks, walls, and trees. Often times bark scorpions will prefer to reside on the underside of objects like garden hoses and yard tools, and people are commonly stung as they reach to pick these objects up.
Defensive stinging by a scorpion typically consists of multiple strikes before they make a dash for shelter. Bark scorpions are attracted to moist areas and are often found stranded in bathtubs and sinks. Their attraction to moisture also makes them more likely to take up residence in your home if the opportunity presents itself. They can be seen in the evenings claiming interior walls, hanging from the ceiling, or hiding in dark places like closets and crawl spaces.
Bark scorpions are one of the three most common types of scorpion found in Arizona, but can also be found in parts of California, Sonora, Utah, and New Mexico.
Stripe-Tailed Scorpion:
The stripe-tailed scorpion is another one of Arizona’s most common species of scorpion. The stripe-tailed scorpion is a well built medium-sized scorpion that can be found burrowed underneath rocks during the day, and venturing out of their burrows in the evening to feed. They have a sturdy tail with dark ridge patterns running the length of the scorpions tail and are typically about 2 inches in length.
Giant Hairy Scorpion:
The giant hairy scorpion is definitely the biggest in Arizona, and in the United States. It can grow up to 6 inches long and is a very intimidating scorpion. It can also be found in parts of Mexico, California, Nevada, and Utah. Its giant frame allows it to feed on other scorpions, lizards, and small mammals.
The giant hairy scorpion also likes to burrow deep into the earth below the desert surface where moisture lines exist. Depending on how deep the moisture lines are, the giant hairy scorpion could burrow as deep as 8 feet into the ground. The giant hairy scorpion has a very large tail and barb, it’s sting is swift and effective on prey but only causes mild pain in humans.
What Do Scorpions Eat?
The scorpions in Arizona have a pretty versatile diet. They eat a wide variety of insects, spiders, small mice, lizards, and other scorpions. Scorpions can live for months without eating but need water to survive.
When hunting, scorpions use their pincers to capture their prey. They can crush their prey with their pincers alone and may not need even need their barbs to sting smaller insects. When they do use their stingers, they use them to inject a neurotoxic venom into their prey that temporarily paralyzes them, allowing the scorpion to feed on them without much resistance.
When feeding, scorpions are unable to ingest solids, and only consume liquids from their prey. They have a very sharp claw-like mechanism that extends from their mouth and pulls small parts of the prey apart, allowing them to feed directly on the liquids. During the Arizona summer months, scorpions become more active, often leading them indoors to hunt.
Are Scorpions Dangerous?
Scorpions should never be purposely handled or annoyed. Their stings are painful and venom strong enough to cause a severe reaction in those allergic. Scorpions do not go out of their way to sting people; in fact, most stings occur when we accidentally come into contact with them. Scorpion stings happen when people do things like reach into a box, sit on one, step on one, or are working in the garden.
Scorpion venom is a neurotoxin, it’s a chemical that affects the nervous system, ultimately killing or paralyzing their prey. Most scorpions in Arizona don’t have the potency to kill humans, although it is suggested that you contact your medical practitioner if you or someone in your family is stung by a scorpion. If stung by a scorpion, especially if it is the first time, it is good to seek medical attention.
Signs You Have Been Stung By A Scorpion
Arizona scorpion stings are scary, painful, and possibly traumatizing to some, but rarely are the stings of scorpions in Arizona life-threatening. Those that are threatened most by the venom are young children, the elderly, and those that may have complicated health issues.
In Arizona, the bark scorpion is the only scorpion species with venom potent enough to cause severe symptoms in the young and old alike. When scorpion stings happen in areas that don’t have easy access to medical care, death can become common among infants and the elderly. Healthy adults usually don’t need to be treated for scorpion stings. If a child is stung, the same amount of venom that an adult can withstand may have more serious results for a child. If a child is stung by a scorpion, seek medical treatment immediately.
Scorpion stings typically cause pain and throbbing in the area that was stung. Sometimes there are additional symptoms that can be quite intense, even if redness and swelling aren’t present at the location where the sting took place.
Symptoms that can present with a scorpion sting include:
- Redness
- Throbbing Pain
- Numbness
- Slight swelling
How To Treat A Scorpion Sting
If you or your child has been stung by a scorpion, put ice on the area that has been stung to bring down the swelling. You can take or give an antihistamine or use a variety of hydrocortisone creams to reduce the inflammation and limit the itching in the area of the sting.
Why Do I Have A Scorpion Problem?
When the weather outside becomes particularly hot and dry, scorpions move inside, seeking moisture. While scorpions do live in desert conditions, they also require a source of water and a cool area to survive.
How Do I Get Rid Of Scorpions?
Partner with a professional to eliminate dangerous scorpions from your Phoenix area property. At Green Home Pest Control, our eco-minded pest control solutions solve pest problems using products safe for the environment, children, and pets.
If you see scorpions on your property, call us today and learn more about our effective scorpion control solutions.
We provide scorpion control services in the following areas:
- Phoenix
- Scottsdale
- Mesa
- Tempe
- Surprise
- Ahwatukee
- Gilbert
- Glendale
- Peoria
- Chandler
How Can I Prevent Scorpions In The Future?
Use the following prevention tips to avoid problems with scorpions:
- Secure screens in open windows and doors.
- Remove excess clutter from both in and around your home.
- When in your yard, be vigilant and wear gloves when working in gardens.
- Fix any pipes, hoses, and fixtures that are leaking and providing the moisture scorpions are seeking.
- Wipe down sinks and tubs to remove excess water.
- Caulk spaces in the foundation and exterior walls of your home.
- Rake leaves, moist mulch, and other organic debris back away from the outside of your home.
Learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control offerings.
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