Are Ticks In Gold Canyon, AZ Dangerous?
You might think that ticks only invade your homes on the backs of pets like dogs and cats, but even non-pet owners can incur a tick infestation. Ticks are too small to simply walk all the way onto your property, so they must have been carried there by something. Rodents and other wildlife that invade your property will often be the source that introduces ticks into your yard in the first place, allowing them to latch on to your pets and invade your home. That’s why, even if you don’t own pets, you could still incur a tick infestation.
Ticks can be very dangerous for your family
Once these invasive pests enter your home or latch on to your skin, they can make you very sick. Since they suck on your blood and the blood of other warm-blooded mammals, they can transmit diseases from victim to victim. Many of these diseases, such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, can be very dangerous and even fatal in some cases.
The difficulty of preventing and eliminating ticks
Unfortunately, tick prevention and eradication can be very difficult. Aside from lawn maintenance and hoping for the best, there isn’t much you can do on your own. The best way to prevent a tick infestation is to have your pets treated by a veterinary and to enlist professional pest control services. Green Home Pest Control has the professional solutions to keep you, your family, and your pets safe from ticks on your property. Give us a call today to find out how we can make your home and yard safer.
Steps You Can Take To Avoid Bed Bugs In Gold Canyon, AZ
Many people think that bed bugs only enter dirty homes, but that’s simply not the case. If your only method of bed bug prevention is keeping your home clean, then you’re opening yourself up to the health hazards (insomnia and anemia) that accompany a prolonged bed bug infestation. In reality, bed bugs don’t care what your house looks like. They don’t even care what kind of furniture they live in. They just want to feed on your blood while you’re asleep. That’s why they hitch a ride on anything they can to travel into your house and onto your furniture.
How can you pick up bed bugs
The two riskiest activities for picking up bed bugs are traveling and buying secondhand furniture. By being careful about where you set your bags down in travel hubs and always inspecting secondhand furniture before you buy it, you can reduce your risk of incurring an infestation. If you do incur an infestation, however, there is little you can do to get rid of it yourself. Home remedies and store-bought sprays usually allow the bed bugs burrowed below the surface to survive, allowing the cycle of nightly attacks to repeat itself. For proper bed bug control that works the first time, call Green Home Pest Control. Our professional pest technicians can help you take back your sleep and protect your health after just one treatment.