Are You Looking For Professional Mosquito Control In Sun City West, AZ?
While mosquitoes in your yard can be a nuisance to any outdoor activities, you might not realize just how dangerous mosquitoes can be to you and your family. These pesky mosquitoes can transmit West Nile Virus, Zika virus, and yellow fever, even in the United States.
When standing water collects near your yard, mosquitoes use that as a breeding site. Unfortunately, pouring the water out won’t remedy the situation if larvae are already present. Only professional treatments can break the breeding cycle once colonization takes place.
Choose eco-friendly and professional options
Professional mosquito control methods are the safest option for eliminating these unwanted pests. However, many mosquito treatment methods can jeopardize the health of your lawn and vegetation.
Green Home Pest Control offers 100% eco-friendly prevention methods that can guarantee a mosquito-free yard between treatments. We’ll inspect your property and then discuss the best treatment methods. Give us a call today for your free estimate on mosquito prevention.
Four Myths Sun City West, AZ Residents May Believe About Bed Bugs
There are a lot of misconceptions about bed bugs out there. But the more you learn about these tiny, troublesome pests, the better equipped you’ll be to avoid the risks of a prolonged infestation.
Myth 1: Bed bug infestations only invade dirty homes.
On the contrary, bed bugs will hitch a ride into your house on various items, mostly luggage and used furniture. All these pests are interested in is feeding on human blood, so they don’t care about how clean or dirty your home is.
Myth 2: Bed bugs are not a health threat.
While bed bugs aren’t threatening at first, a prolonged infestation can lead to severe skin irritation, insomnia, and anemia that can last even after the infestation has been taken care of.
Myth 3: It’s easy to spot a bed bug infestation.
Since bed bugs will wait until you’re lying or sitting still on your mattress or furniture cushions to come out and feed on your blood, you might never see the actual pests. Instead, you must be aware of the signs of bed bugs, including bites on your skin, rust-colored rings on your furniture, and a musty odor throughout the house.
Myth 4: You can get rid of bed bugs on your own.
Since bed bugs burrow and lay eggs deep within furniture cushions, vacuuming and spraying surface pests won’t eliminate the infestation. Green Home Pest Control provides eco-friendly bed bug treatments that are effective against the entire infestation. Call us today to schedule a free bed bug inspection for your property.