If you were asked what the difference is between a bee and a wasp, would you know? These two flying pollinators have a lot in common, but they’re unique in many ways. While knowing the difference could be important, it’s even more important to understand just how dangerous both pests can be on .
Bees, Wasps, And More?
There are a variety of nest-building, , and none of them are anything to mess around with. There are three that could inhabit your Phoenix property: honeybees, carpenter bees, and bumblebees. Honeybees and carpenter bees will build nests around the outdoor areas of your home, typically in an elevated location like the ceiling of your deck. Bumblebees, on the other hand, are usually found in the yard amongst the flowers. Black, yellow, and round, all three of these bee species can be a threat to your health if disturbed, delivering painful stings and ganging up on whoever may be threatening their colony. Wasps on the other hand, have segmented bodies with a very thin “waist” area that distinguishes their abdomen from their stinger. Common area wasps can also be broken down into three categories: paper wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets. Paper wasps and hornets will build nests on your deck ceilings, porch overhang areas, and nearby tree branches, while yellowjackets typically make nests in the ground. One difference between wasps and bees is a wasp’s ability to sting multiple times without harming itself. They’ll also emit a distress signal that can draw the attention of other nearby wasps, often leading to multiple stings for whoever disturbed the nest.
Prevention Perils
Since bees will join forces to defend their colony and wasps can sting multiple times, an attack from either pest can lead to a variety of health issues for adults and children alike. Multiple bee and wasp stings have even been known to lead to anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal. These victims typically make the mistake of disturbing a nest, either by accident (or on purpose, thinking that they can get rid of the problem themselves). Unfortunately, trying to get rid of bee and wasp nests on your property is one of the most dangerous things you can do. Many of these nests look inactive. However, when you begin to try and tear them down, there could still be wasps or bees hiding inside. Remember: all it takes is one angry wasp to signal dozens of its nearby friends to come to its defense. Before you know it, you’re surrounded by painful stingers on all sides. That’s why bees and wasps send hundreds of thousands of people to the emergency room every year in America. Since these pests are so dangerous, it can be tempting to try and remove them as quickly as possible. However, unless wasps are attracted to your sugary drinks at a picnic and decide to take an interest in your outdoor activities, they’ll typically leave you alone as long as you don’t disturb them. As soon as you see a nest on your property though, you should call a professional pest technician to have it removed. For , contact the professionals at Green Home Pest Control. With environmentally-friendly , Green Home Pest Control can get rid of your bee and wasp problems, without hurting the bees or your vegetation in the yard.
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