Are you dealing with some type of pest infestation in your home or business? Overcoming a pest infestation is never a simple task, which is why many people resort to using toxic pesticides that are harmful to the environment. The good news is that there are a range of eco-friendly pest control options that can help eliminate pests from your building without any risk.

1. Integrated Pest Management

Integrated pest management takes a holistic approach to preventing, controlling and eliminating any type of pests in a home or business. The first step is to identify the cause or causes of the pest infestation. That means determining why the pests are present and what attracted them to the building in the first place, such as shelter, water, food or unsanitary conditions.

For instance, the reason you may have a mouse infestation is that you always have pet food left out. A plumbing leak or any other potential source of water could also be what’s attracting pests, so part of the solution will involve getting rid of the water source. You might be dealing with a termite infestation. If so, it could be because the termites are living in bushes or shrubs right next to your building’s foundation, drawing them into your home or business.

Determining the specific causes allows a pest control company to come up with an action plan. In the termite scenario, that could mean cutting down the bushes or shrubs or transplanting them further away. It could also be something as simple as creating some type of barrier that repels the termites and keeps them away from the building.

The next step is a customized, targeted treatment plan. This could involve anything from using natural baits and biologically derived pesticides to placing traps at entry points that can’t be fully sealed. Even just adding door sweeps or replacing the weather stripping on exterior doors can be effective for overcoming issues with certain pests.

The last part of the process is to follow up on everything to determine how well the chosen methods are working. This is important since sometimes adjustments may need to be made or different treatments used to ensure that the pests are fully eliminated. It’s also important since you want to make sure you get rid of any dead pests that may be inside the building.

2. Natural Pest Repellants

Termite barriers and many other types of pest repellants use toxic chemicals that can be a health hazard to you, your family and your pets. Some can also contaminate the soil and harm or kill any nearby trees and other vegetation. The good news is many natural repellants can work just as well without posing any risk.

For instance, pyrethrins are an effective, natural option for eliminating certain types of insect infestations since they act as both an insecticide and a repellant. These compounds are naturally derived from chrysanthemum flowers, and they kill ants, mosquitos, moths, cockroaches and other insects by damaging their nervous system. Although the compounds are also highly toxic to bees and other pollinators, there is almost no risk as long as the repellant is applied properly by an experienced pest control expert.

In some cases, pyrethrins are combined with natural silica to create a repellant dust. Not only do the pyrethrins act as an insecticide, but the silica dust also kills them by causing them to dry out and desiccate. This type of repellant is especially effective when applied in gaps and crevices in the exterior structure of a building that ants or other insects are using to get inside.

There are also various essential oils and other botanically derived products that can be used to create an effective barrier to prevent entry into the building. While these types of repellants often need to be applied more often, they still work effectively. They are also a much better option compared to using harmful chemical pesticides, insecticides and repellants.

Many natural repellants that work fairly well are also things you may already have at your house and can try out yourself. For instance, spraying vinegar around entry points helps deter mice as well as ants and other insects. Cinnamon also deters mice, while peppermint oil or any type of citrus works quite well for deterring ants and spiders.

3. Sticky Traps

Another effective option when dealing with mice, rats, ants, cockroaches and some other pests is to use sticky mats. These mats are non-toxic, so you don’t need to worry about using them around children or pets. Placing them around entry points or any places the pets normally travel will quickly help to reduce the pest population. The traps are sticky enough that pests immediately get stuck to them and then end up quickly dying. Another advantage of using these traps is that it makes it easy to monitor how effectively the overall pest control treatment is working.

4. Pheromone Traps

Various types of traps use synthetically derived pheromones to attract and capture different types of insects. Although they are synthetically derived, the pheromone lures used in most traps are entirely safe for humans and animals. Each type of trap is designed to combat a specific type of insect, and you can find traps for pantry moths, clothes moths, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, beetles, etc.

As with sticky traps, using pheromone traps is a great way to monitor pest populations and also to pinpoint the location of the infestation, i.e. where the pests are living. The pheromones are also so powerful they’ll attract insects from some distance. They are sometimes used as part of a pest inspection because they can be an effective method for detecting a hidden infestation, such as if there are wood-boring carpenter ants in the building.

5. Light Traps

Another safe and effective option when dealing with flying insects, including mosquitos, flies and moths, is to use light traps. These traps use UV lights to attract insects, and they have a sticky board or mat inside them that traps the insects so that they can’t escape. As long as you regularly replace the sticky board, the trap will continue working effectively for a long time.

Your Reliable Pest Control Experts

At Green Home Pest Control, we pride ourselves on providing the safest, most effective pest control options for customers throughout the Phoenix and Tucson areas. We take the integrated pest management approach and will work to come up with an effective, customized plan for dealing with your specific pest issues.

That means sealing up entry points and using natural treatments and repellants to overcome your pest problem. We always make sure to document everything we’re doing and will keep you fully informed throughout every step of the process.

We’ll also perform regular follow-ups and will do whatever it takes to ensure that your environment is completely pest-free. Whether you’re dealing with rodents, termites, bed bugs, ants, scorpions or any other pest in your home or business, you can trust us to fully eliminate the problem.

For more information on the methods we use and how we can help you overcome your pest problems, contact us today.

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