
    What Do Ticks Look Like?

    Ticks are a type of arachnid, and their sole source of food is the blood of their host. Ticks feed on various hosts, including people, wild animals, livestock, and pets. The most common ticks we come into contact with around the Phoenix area are dog ticks. These ticks have a soft body but a rigid plate (scutum) located on the back behind the biting mouthparts. Ticks are common pests in outdoor spaces, and due to their ability to spread diseases, it is best to avoid contact with them as much as possible.
    A tick sits on someone's skin

    Different types of Ticks include:

    • American Dog Tick: A brown tick with white or yellowish marking on the body
    • Brown Dog Tick: Brownish-red colored ticks that, after feeding, turn a grayish-blue color
    • Blacklegged Ticks: Tiny ticks with an orange-red body and black legs
    • Rocky Mountain Ticks: Brown ticks that turn gray when engorged with blood

    Are Ticks Dangerous?

    Though tiny in size, a tick’s bite causes big problems for people, pets, and other animals. Ticks are slow, efficient feeders that spread diseases from host to host with ease. As ticks feed, they transmit diseases through their saliva.
    Examples of diseases these pests transmit:

    • Tularemia
    • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
    • Lyme disease
    • Anaplasmosis

    Why Do I Have A Tick Problem?

    Ticks find their way into backyards or other outdoor spaces on an animal host’s back. After ticks complete their feeding process, they fall off the host; adult females will lay eggs in the damp soil.

    Can Ticks Infest My Home?

    If environmental conditions are right, Just a couple of ticks finding a way onto your property could lead to a large infestation. Ticks are rarely a problem in our homes as most species are unable to complete their life cycle without damp soil. The exception to this is the brown dog tick; they can reproduce indoors and become an issue inside homes and businesses.

    Where Will I Find Ticks?

    Ticks live outside in dark, damp areas under vegetation, providing them with the moisture they need and protection from predators. Ticks are active in temperatures above 35 degrees Fahrenheit; this means ticks are a year-round problem in Arizona.
    Places people encounter ticks include under piles of leaves and other debris, in tall vegetation, overgrown landscaping, and the soil under bushes, shrubs, and decks. Ticks live in yards, parks, fields, campgrounds, and other outdoor areas with plenty of vegetation for them to hide in.

    How To Find Brown Dog Ticks

    When living inside homes and other structures, the brown dog tick often hides behind baseboards, folds of upholstered furniture, rugs, and floor cracks.

    How Do I Get Rid Of Ticks?

    Ticks are disease-spreading pests, and you should take steps to reduce their numbers. To limit the number of ticks living on your Phoenix area property, partner with the pest control experts here at Green Home Pest Control.

    Eco-friendly and Safe For Your Family

    Our eco-minded pest control solutions solve pest problems using products that are safe for the environment, children, and pets. We take pride in offering exceptional customer service, and our experienced and friendly professionals will work with you to solve your property’s pest problems. To learn more about our effective tick control solutions, reach out to Green Home Pest Control today!

    How Can I Prevent Ticks In The Future?

    Use the following prevention tips to avoid problems with ticks:

    • Keep any grass on your property, cut short, and maintain landscaping.
    • Always inspect yourself and pets for ticks after coming inside after spending time outdoors.
    • Protect pets from becoming a food source for ticks. Place them on a year-round tick preventative program under the guidance of their veterinarian.
    • Remove a tick’s favorite hiding spots from your yard like piles of leaves, brush, and other debris.
    • Keep tick-infested rodents off your property by removing bird feeders, picking up uneaten pet food, and placing tight-fitting lids on trash cans.

    Learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control offerings.

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